"The way I see it #43.....
My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for so long.
I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too damn short.
--Armistead Maupin "
The above was printed on the side of my coffee cup from Starbucks. Gee, thanks Starbucks, for the corporate sponsored browbeat. Listen to this hyperbole: "I repressed it"..."I surrendered my youth to the people I feared"..."I could have been out there loving someone"...
I see, so this person was afraid that what, he'd be sent to a camp in Cleveland and gassed? And we are supposed to believe that this person just bottled up his love for 'someone' and sat in the corner and cried his life away?. I won't presume to know.
So a coffee marketing minion picks this little ideogram up off of some website, and to make the monthly political correctness quota, orders it slapped onto cups so that consumers will be assured that Starbucks is 'inclusive' and 'tolerant'.
Had this kind of message been placed on a cup in the 1950's, my hat would be off to a company like Starbucks. When society truly looked askance at homosexuality fifty years ago, a professed sentiment of tolerance would indeed be a bold step forward, much like the early civil rights laws (passed by Republicans and repulsed by Democrats) of decades past.
But this is the 21st century, well into the age of gay 'rights', hate crime laws, same-sex marriage, 'Boy meets Boy' TV shows, lesbian kisses on prime time, and endless legislation to 'end bigotry'. Apparently, it's not enough to allow society to evolve in the most tolerant and pluralistic nation ever to grace the face of the Earth, no, we have to force it. A constant state of 'social revolution' must be maintained to keep the agitprop relevant, as Fidel Castro in Cuba who still wears his goofy uniform at 70-something years old knows. Were he to remove his uniform it would signal a sense of normalcy not harmonious with the required socialist angst. And so it is with the gay agenda, now seeped into the very pores of corporate America.
However,I don't need to be told to be tolerant. Believe it or not, I've never lynched a black, beat up a gay man, nor gassed a Jew and I've never known anyone, nor even heard of any of my contemporaries doing same, and I'm sick to death of being preached at from the extremist left that because I'm not gay, I therefore need to to be re-educated and enlightened. There is a dark history of this kind of re-education that I'm sure we're all familiar with.
But for Starbucks, victimhood and guilt are also a means to an end: money. I contend that companies do not only do this to demonstrate a presumed elevated social consciousness, but rather for
fiscal consciousness. It's now fashionable to espouse a veneer of tolerance, and gays are statistically financially more successful than than non-gays on average.
Sales!Yet there are far more heterosexuals in the buying public, so I offer this retort to Starbucks, a purveyor of products to all:
If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War. "
George Washington This, a quote from a great man who suffered far more than any gay man of any era. He advocates a national vigilance, a sense of preparedness for sacrifice...............
ideas long ago abandoned by the liberal left.I prefer to drink from your cup, Mr. Washington.