Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Well Republicans, I hope you're happy *UPDATE*

You will have 2 years of a circus on capitol hill that will cause buyer's remorse for every minute of it.

The soldiers in Iraq will be demoralized, and probably put in further danger. They say they are not going to cut funding for the war, but they are liars.

Donald Rumsfeld, possibly the best SECDEF we have ever had, will be brought before congress for hearings every day until 2008.--Update--Already Resigned! Yeah for us!

It will be VERY hard to replace John Paul Stevens when he dies.

The tax cuts will expire.

Because of funding cuts, the border fence will become welfare distribution centers with signs that read "Welcome to America. Here is your fair share of hard working Americans earnings"

The Democrats, even though they have been saying "no impeachment" will attempt to impeach the president. Remember, the people who kicked Joe Lieberman out are in charge of their party.

But hey--they got a message, right?

Great job, base.


At 1:54 PM, Blogger Marc said...

Actually I, as one of the angry base, am quite content with this outcome. Despite prior refutations, even Prager agreed this morning that this lesson will be learned in time for 2008, which is the real point. The American public will have two years of Nancy Pelosi's shrill rhetoric to thoroughly bring the base back, assuming W doesn't screw up even worse than he already has.

I'll address your wild assertions individually:

You will have 2 years of a circus on capitol hill that will cause buyer's remorse for every minute of it.

That's kind of the point.

The soldiers in Iraq will be demoralized, and probably put in further danger. They say they are not going to cut funding for the war, but they are liars.

There is little evidence that a majority of them are that connected to politics. As far as funding goes, there are enough reigning GOP members to stem soem of that. Besides, if we cannot 'do' war correctly: "Hello, are you a terrorist?" (direct quote on ROE from a Marine who actaully fought there less than 90 days ago.)----we need to leave and let Iraq have its civil war.

Donald Rumsfeld, possibly the best SECDEF we have ever had, will be brought before congress for hearings every day until 2008.--Update--Already Resigned! Yeah for us!

Actually, Caspar Weinberger was the best SECDEF ever.He successfully brought the USSR to its knees with Reagan. As much as I liked Rummy, he made a gigantic logistic and strategic error when he thought 150,000 troops would be enough to pacify a country of 27,000,000 people and nearly 450,000 sq.km. We deployed 400,000 troops to eject Iraq from Kuwait, a country 28 times smaller than Iraq. ....simple math, I would have thought. No. Rumsfeld has lost the confidence of his commanders in the field (see this week's Army Times article condemning him)

It will be VERY hard to replace John Paul Stevens when he dies.

Agreed. This is the price of six years of disregard.

The tax cuts will expire.

Because of funding cuts, the border fence will become welfare distribution centers with signs that read "Welcome to America. Here is your fair share of hard working Americans earnings"

And how exactly did the GOP or Bush differ from that precise scenario?. Other than the base, the GOP RINO's were in lockstep with the preposterous 'guest worker program'

The Democrats, even though they have been saying "no impeachment" will attempt to impeach the president. Remember, the people who kicked Joe Lieberman out are in charge of their party.

Who cares?..In fact, if they get bogged down in those silly efforts, thay will further demonstrate that they are a ridiculous party, not ever to be taken seriously.

But hey--they got a message, right?

We'll see. But why are you blaming the people who put them in office? WE didn't change OUR positions. If you think corporate welfare and outsourcing is good for America, then you may be right. I think the loudest take-away the GOP infrastructure should hear is: Conservatives are not neccessarily Republicans"

Great job, base.

Fear not, Grasshopper. This outcome that you bewail will be forgotten just time for the GOP to 'save the day' from those maniacal liberals in 2008.

Come on! Where's your Reaganesque optimism?

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Scott Klajic said...

All I have to say in response is, all of that is what primaries are for. Betting on getting back control is a big if.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Marc said...

So says Hewitt and Medved. (sick of them both)

But in reality, voter turnout in primaries is about 15% on average, rendering them pointless. Americans only start paying attention in NATIONAL elections beginning Labor Day.

We survived clinton. we'll survive this.

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Marc said...

So says Hewitt and Medved. (sick of them both)

But in reality, voter turnout in primaries is about 15% on average, rendering them pointless. Americans only start paying attention in NATIONAL elections beginning Labor Day.

We survived clinton. we'll survive this.

At 9:45 PM, Blogger Marc said...

from Bob Novak:

"Republican leaders are still in denial in the wake of their crushing defeat. They blame individual losing candidates for failing to prepare themselves for the election. In contrast, the private reaction by the candidates was anger at President Bush and his political team. That includes a rising GOP undercurrent against Iraq policy. The unpleasant truth is that Republicans lost almost everywhere the president campaigned during the past week. ."

"These tactics proved useless in the face of a wave that was not so much pro-Democrat as it was anti-Republican. Only gerrymandered House districts prevented a landslide that would have given the Democrats a House majority of historic proportions, approaching 50 seats.


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